Saturday, September 6, 2008

School Starts

Get Up Sleepy Head! We started school this past week and, other than being tired, everything went great. It is nice to get back into a routine. And the boys were sooo excited to see their friends again! Austin is in my class this year and it's been interesting so far. I'm trying my best to be firm, fair, and consistent, and not hold him to a higher standard. He's done very well, it's me I'm worried about!

Coop's lovin' every minute and passes out in the car everyday before we get out of Montgomery. It's nice having Fridays and Mondays off. We are able to run errands and relax and then enjoy Daddy's football games on Saturday. I don't know how you girls do it working 5 days/8 to 5 and have a family to care for. I'm not sure how I did it just a couple years ago. Guess you do what you have to do!

The first day of school 2008!


Leah said...

Such cutie pies! Hope they continue to have a wonderful year!

Rebecca said...

Cooper looks so growny! Those are really cute lunch boxes!!

Kristi said...

We are having a local girl's blog party... check out my blog!

Melissa Lester said...

How neat that you are Austin's teacher. He gets to see you in a whole new light. I know that just teaching them in Bible class, my children were all a little doubtful at the beginning that I would know what to do. But then they beamed with pride when class went well. And since you are THE super-duper magnificent teacher, Austin will get to look at your proudly and think, "That's my mommy!"

Lynne Griffies said...

I love that pic of your precious little boys as they were leaving for school. Tooooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
I taught Joey in Kindergarten and loved it! When he needed to be disciplined I sent the note home to "Mr."Hunt. Stevie would discipline and send the note back to his teacher. I only remember having to do it once though. Just think of it as getting a front row seat in his world. Emmy